The Chinese Miracle

In the coming month of July, the Communist Party of China (CCP) will reach its 100 years of existence, always at the forefront of the battles that throughout this time the brave people of Mao Tse-Tung has had to fight, in order to materialize the approach of socialism with Chinese peculiarities in a new era.

Personally, the Chinese Revolution was always conceived as an important reference when analyzing the challenges that the peoples of Our America had to face in order to achieve the profound transformation of the prevailing reality, since those years when I began my militancy in the Venezuelan left; moment in which we were studying about the thought of Comrade Mao Tse-Tung and, in a particular way, in relation to the so-called Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, aimed at shaking the foundations of the country and initiating a true transition to socialism.

We value this thought from a deeply reflective perspective and under the conviction that this experience would allow us to nurture the foundations of what was already our project of national liberation, that the axiom of combining study with revolutionary praxis was correct. The phrase «imperialism and all reactionaries are tigers of paper… they seem fearsome but in reality they are not that powerful … it is not the reactionaries but the people who are really powerful.»

With these influences we formed ourselves, giving ourselves the task of knowing, as in the Chinese case, other experiences that would allow us to strengthen the ideological concept that would sustain the battles that we were sure we would have to fight against imperialism and, at the same time, against those who from a revisionist and / or reformist position, and dogmatic, they would try to distort the true programmatic bases of our socialist construction.


After the triumph of the Bolivarian Revolution, Commander Chávez undertook the task of strengthening relations with the people’s Republic of China; to the point of consolidating a solid Comprehensive Strategic Association, with more than 500 bilateral cooperation agreements that have been signed, in science and technology, telecommunications, education, oil, housing construction, mining, safety and health, among other areas.

This rapprochement between the two peoples has made it possible to show the Chinese and Bolivarian Revolutions as twinning traits, saving of course the historical distances and referring fundamentally to the current horizon; the importance given to the rescue of traditions, ancestral culture and history of the Homeland. Also, the accent that both revolutionary processes put on the fight against poverty, respect for nature and protection of the environment, and in general, the marked human face that characterizes them has been exposed; as well as the common perspective to consolidate the multicentric and pluripolar world that our countries desire for the benefit of all and everyone, and that the Eternal Commander so correctly foresaw.

In the Chinese case, it is also necessary to highlight the role played by the centennial Communist Party of China (CCP) in this entire process, fostering popular participation and maintaining its fidelity to the ideological principles bequeathed by its founders; which, together with a successful leadership today by Comrade Xi Jinping, within the framework of the reform and opening-up policy, has made it possible to achieve the objectives proposed by that nation, with serenity, a clear conscience and an iron will for peace and understanding. This, while it has managed to maintain a firm and courageous position against North American interference, in favor of the self-determination of the peoples and in support of countries that, as well as Venezuela, receive the incessant attacks from imperialism and its allies.

That is to say, both China and Venezuela fully identify ourselves in the fight for a new world, which, as we have said before in these articles, is not only possible but extremely necessary.


The so-called Chinese miracle is nothing more than the result of the successful application of a well-conceived long-term strategic plan, which has allowed, with that humanistic vision to which we have previously mentioned, to adapt it to new realities, without disregard the original principles; and, at the same time, revitalize the foundations of the Homeland of Mao Tse-Tung, strengthening the construction of a modern socialist country, which is today an example of prosperity and rescue of its cultural identity, based on the definition and planning of new stages development, supported by patterns that guide them and ensure their realization over time. This has impacted on the deepening of the achievements made, generating higher levels of stability and social security, and to the same extent, advancing towards the objective of seeking a moderately well-off society.

In that perspective, and even in the midst of a complex situation such as the current one, marked by the brutal imperial onslaught against our peoples and the battle that we as humanity wage against the COVID-19 pandemic; Brother Chinese people has managed to promote economic growth and a relentless fight against poverty in recent years, which has made it possible to raise their living standards in an extraordinary way, a purpose that became a central axis of the thought of Comrade Xi Jinping and whose achievements have been recognized internationally.

The challenges of the Chinese people in a world that today is shaken by the deep crisis of the capitalist system and by the pretense of imposing on us anachronistic supremacist doctrines, they are also those of the Homeland of Bolívar and Chávez, which raises the urgent need of continuing working with determination for unity, solidarity and cooperation among nations. As never before, it is urgent to strengthen our ties of friendship and mutual solidarity to consolidate a monolithic counter-hegemonic center, to continue showing that only with socialist construction will we be able to overcome the evils that capitalism imposes on the peoples; a task in which the Sister people’s Republic of China has valuable experience to contribute. I am convinced that we will achieve it, for the benefit of the Peoples of China and Venezuela, and of the entire planet!.