The year 2021 and the challenges of the Bolivarian Revolution

After a brief holiday break, we once again resume our space for opinion “Bolivarian Feeling”, in a year in which all Venezuelans will celebrate the bicentennial of the Battle of Carabobo; heroic deed in which the patriot army under the command of Simón Bolívar not only endorsed the defeat of the royalist cause in the national territory, but also allowed El Libertador to concentrate his efforts on the liberation of the Peoples of the South, aware that it would hardly be possible to preserve the libertarian work in Colombia, as long as there are other nations under the Spanish oppression in our Latin-Caribbean America.

It is, then, a year full of deep symbolism for Bolivarian women and men, and at the same time, of great challenges for the revolutionary forces; that in our efforts to give continuity to the effort that we have been making throughout these years to advance in socialist construction, we will undoubtedly continue to face a complex situation, given the battle we continue to wage against the terrible pandemic Covid 19 and to face the consequences of the permanent and criminal imperial onslaught, exacerbated during the failed supremacist administration of Donald Trump.


At the national level, and after the resounding electoral victory of last December, a new National Assembly has been installed, which has the great responsibility of helping to strengthen the country’s institutional framework; as well as in the efforts that the Bolivarian Government has been making to achieve full political stability, reactivate the national economy and achieve the sustainability of the welfare model supported in the Missions and Great Missions, despite the brutal Yankee fury and its lackeys against the People, which we cannot deny has impacted the daily lives of Venezuelans, even though we have repeatedly defeated the efforts of the adversaries of the Homeland to try to apply a failed strategy of «regime change».

It thus opens, thanks to the morals, conscience, courage and dignity of our People; a key period in the contemporary history of the nation, in which the will of the women and men that make up the National Assembly, in conjunction with the other Powers of the State, and the iron determination of the daughters and sons of Bolívar and Chávez to live in peace, and to defend his sovereignty and independence; it will continue to make a difference, despite the attacks that we will continue to face in the political-diplomatic, economic-financial-commercial and communication fields; since against our country they continues to conspire openly, trying to delegitimize its institutions, promoting the dispossession of its assets abroad and trying to undermine its territorial integrity, all this, with the support of sectors of the fascist extreme right.

The same leading role corresponds to play, in a situation in which one of the Powers of the Republic will also be renewed: the electoral one, and new governors will be elected to the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and, further, to the Great Patriotic Pole «Simón Bolívar», as the vanguard of the Venezuelan people, in defense of the legacy of the historical leader of the Bolivarian Revolution.

The guidelines given by comrade President Nicolás Maduro in a recent meeting with the National Directorate of the Party and its youth (the JPSUV), will allow us to delve into those elements around which it is necessary to make some adjustments, based on which we can face in better conditions the challenges that the new year that has just started imposes on Venezuela, and accelerate the transition to socialism; understanding that although we have been able to overcome all the attempts launched by internal and external adversaries, they have not yet been defeated on the strategic level; Hence, it is logical to expect that the aggressions against the country will continue and even intensify.

It is a question, within the framework of the new historical stage that is beginning in the country, of carrying out a series of initiatives aimed at deepening the Party’s work, in accordance with the provisions of the Declaration of Principles of its I Extraordinary Congress, as a «guide and unifier of the exploited class and sectors in the battle to definitively liberate the country from extreme poverty, backwardness and dependency”, as a “promoter of social consciousness and historical changes” and as a “promoter of social justice, moral and economic”; having as fundamental tools, following what was expressed by Commander Chávez in the Aló Presidente Teórico N ° 3: “… ideology, the debate every day, the battle of ideas, the artillery of thought, voluntary work, the incorporation to the praxis, to the solution of problems, to the care of the weakest, the creation of the society of love, of a new spirituality, of a new moral and ethical base”.


Great are the challenges to face this year also on the international scene; a scenario in which the decadent North American imperialism has been deploying a strategy aimed at trying to reestablish its hegemony and through which it pursues, in the case of Our Latin-Caribbean America, the weakening of regional integration instances, with the complicity of the oligarchies lackey of the Continent; a strategy that, without a doubt, goes beyond who is the guest of the White House.

Hence, for Bolivarian women and men the defense of the Homeland is assumed from a vision that transcends the national front; which requires us to continue developing an active role as catalysts in the process of necessary and essential unity of the peoples of the region.

In the history of the struggles for Latin American and Caribbean unity, this is undoubtedly a key moment, and it takes place just when imperialism embarks on a new wave of interference in the world, under the pretext of the fight against terrorism. The rebellion of the South expresses itself, once again, in the hope of a true integration; and its unifying element is the mobilization of our Peoples in rejection of the imposition of neoliberal recipes and in favor of improvements in their quality of life, achievements some of which had been achieved during progressive governments that were supplanted by right-wing administrations.

There is an urgent need to defend and promote regional integration and that multicenter and pluripolar world that was so aptly prefigured by the historical leader of the Bolivarian Revolution. Carabobo calls us again, and I am convinced that the patriots of this time, we will be up to such a great historical challenge.