4F: For now and forever


We have just commemorated in recent days the 29th anniversary of the civic-military rebellion of February 4, 1992; an heroic deed of great significance for Venezuelans, and for other peoples of the planet, around which we have proposed to reflect on this opinion article, as part of the permanent battle of ideas to which the Commander Hugo Chávez continues to summon us.

The 4F is the consequence of a long and complex historical process, which was triggered by the excesses committed by the punto-fijismo governments, and in a very particular way, the massacre perpetrated by the Carlos Andrés Pérez government on February 27, 1989; events, known by the name of the Caracazo and which made possible, as the Eternal Commander himself pointed out, after years of organization and accumulation of forces, the historical birth of the Bolivarian Revolution. The Caracazo was the trigger for the 4F; and this in turn meant the awakening of the people, which allowed once the electoral triumph of December 6, 1998, was obtained, when the vast majority of Venezuelans endorsed with the vote the project presented by Commander Chávez; to begin the process of broad transformations that has been taking place in the country for more than two decades: the transition to Bolivarian Socialism.


Chávez always told us, and that is how all revolutionaries share it, that on February 4, 1992, he divided Venezuelan history in two; becoming a turning point in the evolution of the Homeland towards new paths, those of our socialist construction, inspired by the ideology of el Libertador Simón Bolívar and aimed at seeking the «greatest amount of happiness possible, the greatest amount of social security and greater sum of political stability”.

But also, it is fair to point out that the Bolivarian rebellion of 4F also divided the history of other peoples of Our Latin-Caribbean America and the world in two; becoming an example for the battles that they wage against neoliberalism, emerging at the same time a greater awareness about the necessary popular unity, the defense of the sovereignty of the Homeland and the push for genuine processes of national liberation.

When mentioning the national reality, we must refer that contemporary history has a before and after February 4, so we repeat with Chávez, 29 years after that heroic deed, especially for the youngest, to future generations; that that civic-military movement advanced the arrival of the 21st century to the country.

The 4F is a huge reference; it is a historic commitment that will never end. Commander Chávez characterized it as the continuation of the glorious Battle of Carabobo, which marks its bicentennial this year. It is, a for now that became forever, a daily expression of the will to remain firm in defending the legacy of the Eternal Commander, to continue fighting to consolidate the definitive independence of Venezuela and to continue doing everything we have to do, in a very inclusive, very creative work, for the definitive liberation of Latin-Caribbean America and other peoples of the world off the imperial yoke.


In these 22 years of the Bolivarian Revolution, we have faced complex scenarios. Since that time of February 4, 1992, through the Bolivarian hurricane that spread throughout the country and beyond, facing with determination, dignity and courage all kinds of eventualities, including the physical disappearance of our historical leader; we Venezuelans have been able to continue on the path defined by him.

The people of Bolívar and Chávez continue to make history, and with strong will they have been confronting the plans of the enemies of Venezuela, who in their efforts to try to end the Bolivarian Revolution promote, under the leadership of North American and European imperialism, the imposition of criminal economic, financial and commercial sanctions to the nation; and the dispossession of its assets abroad. All this is supported by a non-Bolivarian narrative, for whose development they have the complicity of the great mass media of the planet.

Today, the counter-revolution attacks with force, taking advantage of the complex economic situation the country is going through, as a result of these sanctions. But they continue to be wrong in their nefarious intentions, because this people, having clarity of what their true enemy is, organized and aware; is willing to defend, in a civic-military union and inspired by the libertarian ideology of February 4, 1992, his right to be free and to develop a model of social justice that was approved by the vast majority of Venezuelans, embodied in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

On February 27, 1989, the people left without the Armed Forces, which on the contrary was used by the Adeco government of Carlos Andrés Pérez to repress it; and on February 4, 1992, the patriotic soldiers left when they still had to advance in the union with the Popular Power. Today, 29 years after the Bolivarian rebellion of the 4F, we are sure that this will never happen again, since we have a solid civic-military movement bequeathed by Commander Chávez, ready to defend the Homeland in whatever terrain is necessary. .

Long live 4F, National Dignity Day!