Venezuela coordinates with UN advice on deactivation of mines on border with Colombia - MPPRE

Venezuela coordinates with UN advice on deactivation of mines on border with Colombia

Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza confirmed on Thursday that the Venezuelan Government is already coordinating with United Nations agencies advice and guidance on deactivation of anti-personnel mines to help the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) carry out operations on the border with Colombia.

On his Twitter account @jaarreaza, the Venezuelan foreign minister explained that mine clearance on the border responds to the fact that “Colombian irregular armed groups have planted mines to attack Venezuela.”

On Tuesday, April 13, Venezuela’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Samuel Moncada held a meeting with the deputy director and Officer-in-Charge of the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) and reaffirmed the request made by the Bolivarian Government for this agency to provide its experience and assistance to members of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB).

The request made by Venezuela includes technical assistance and capacity development advice, including through the exchange of best practices: technological assistance, through the exchange of techniques and technologies of action against mines, and support for the design and implementation of rehabilitation and reparation programs for victims of mines.

Regarding the border territory affected by anti-personnel mines planted by Colombian irregular armed groups, Venezuela has denounced the unwillingness of the Colombian Government to coordinate efforts for a binational combat strategy, and requested the good offices of the UN Secretary General António Guterres to facilitate a communication channel with the Duque administration.