Somos Venezuela Movement travels the country with the Essequibo Route - MPPRE

Somos Venezuela Movement travels the country with the Essequibo Route

Framed in the Essequibo Route, the Somos Venezuela Movement (MSV) continues to develop the cycle of conferences the Essequibo is ours, aimed to sensitize the Venezuelan population and offer technical and political training on the historical territorial controversy over Guayana Esequiba.

The cycle of conferences began at the end of January in the states of Carabobo and Aragua, while last Wednesday, February 17, was the turn for the capital city to commemorate the date of the signing of the 1966 Geneva Agreement, in the open spaces of the Teresa Carreño theater.

The deputy and member of the MSV, Alexander Vargas, indicated that the Movement will visit all the states to spread the information regarding the Essequibo.

For his part, Luis Arreaza, head of International Relations of the MSV, declared that the cycle of conferences has a strategic importance where “the technical and political training of all sectors of our citizens, especially our youth, play a fundamental role for the defense of sovereign rights over our Guayana Esequiba.”

The deputy Maite García, a member of the MSV, said that “the activity will reach every corner of the country to defend the Essequibo as Venezuelan territory.”

In addition, she stressed that for each training session, the Defenders of the Guayana Esequiba territory are sworn in, whose mission is to multiply and disseminate the message in defense of the homeland and its sovereignty.