Venezuela condemns terrorist attack against the body of guardians of the Islamic Revolution of Iran - MPPRE

Venezuela condemns terrorist attack against the body of guardians of the Islamic Revolution of Iran

The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela strongly condemns the terrorist attack perpetrated in the Islamic Republic of Iran, specifically in the southeast province of Sistan Baluchistan against a bus transporting the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, leaving at least 27 dead guardians and 21 injured, a tragedy that puts that sister nations in mourning. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela emphatically rejects these violent actions that seek to provoke terror and fear among the population and also reiterates its firm repudiation toward the existence of terrorists groups and terrorism in any of its forms and manifestations, and those who support it with the sole aim of undermining the Iranian Government and People’s determination and courage to continue boosting its own development. The Bolivarian Government of Venezuela expresses its heartfelt words of condolences to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, its People and families of the victims, ratifying all our solidarity and fraternity in light of these regrettable events.  

Caracas, February 14th, 2019
