Government delivers report "The truth of Venezuela against infamy" to UN representatives in the country - MPPRE

Government delivers report «The truth of Venezuela against infamy» to UN representatives in the country

The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, through Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza, Attorney General Tarek William Saab and Ombudsman Alfredo Ruiz, delivered on Monday the report The truth of Venezuela against infamy. Data and testimonies from a country under siege to the UN resident coordinator accredited in the country, Peter Grohmann, who was accompanied by Hélène Devaux, deputy coordinator of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) In Venezuela.

The handover ceremony took place at the Casa Amarilla «Antonio José de Sucre» in the historic center of Caracas, where the apostolic nuncio Aldo Giordano, diplomatic representative of the Vatican in Venezuela, also received the report.

The truth of Venezuela against infamy systematizes in more than 100 pages the human rights violations committed by those who promote violence against the Bolivarian nation, thus denying the report financed by the Lima Group, prepared remotely by a commission of three alleged experts from the fact-finding mission, not recognized by Venezuela and ignored by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, in her recent oral update from Geneva.

Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza clarified that the manipulated report on Venezuela was not prepared by a UN mission, nor was it approved or discussed in any instance of the multilateral organization. On the contrary, he denounced that it is a report of falsehoods and infamies, made with the intention of serving as a political weapon against the Venezuelan people, Government and State.

On the report delivered to the UN representatives in Venezuela, for them to forward it to Secretary General António Guterres and High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet; the Minister specified that it was prepared in coordination between the Prosecutor’s Office, the Ombudsman’s Office, the Judicial Branch and the Executive Branch, and that it is a first installment, as they have more information to keep supporting it.

The Attorney General of the Republic stated that the alleged experts, who were paid between three and five million dollars due to the report, collected the information on social networks and internet sources, and had no communication with the institutions of the Venezuelan justice.

Soon, the report The truth of Venezuela against infamy. Data and testimonies of a country under siege will be consigned by the Citizen Power before the International Criminal Court, in The Hague, and before the Human Rights Council of the UN, in Geneva .