Foreign Minister Arreaza participates in virtual forum organized by Mexico's Brigada para leer en Libertad - MPPRE

Foreign Minister Arreaza participates in virtual forum organized by Mexico’s Brigada para leer en Libertad

On Wednesday, in a virtual forum called «Talking with Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza,» the Venezuelan foreign minister stressed that the report by the UN Fact-Finding Mission to Venezuela is a rip-off remotely prefabricated by a «ghost commission» that has not even visited the country, nor has it event met with Venezuelan authorities or opposition leaders.

The forum was hosted by Héctor Díaz, from the Brigada para leer en Libertad (Brigade to Read in Freedom), which celebrated today Mexico’s Independence Day.

The Venezuela foreign minister explained that the «Fact-finding Mission» is the result of a Human Rights Council’s resolution approved by only 10% of the votes, because most of them were abstentions, excepting the Lima Group and some European countries cartelized against Venezuela.

«They themselves lead the commission (…) They do politics with human rights and not the politics of human rights,» he asserted.

Arreaza explained the progress made by the coordinated cooperation between the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Bolivarian Government.

«We have been working for two years with Mrs. Michelle Bachellet, and though we have had disagreements on some occasions, we have accepted her recommendations. We have worked together with her staff in Caracas. We have undertaken several activities. Her last report showed progress in human rights, and she also welcomed the pardon granted by the president,» he explained.

They will answer to the ICC

In another vein, the Venezuelan diplomat reiterated all the officials of the U.S. Government who have signed decrees, executive order or bills to harm the Venezuelan people will be brought before the International Criminal Court (ICC), and he also said the Venezuelan Government will show how the U.S. unilateral coercive measures have caused pain, suffering and death.

«Let’s see how those who have been presidents, or heads of the Department of Treasury, will answer when the International Criminal Court call them to testify for their crimes against humanity.»

Arreaza explained it is not just about a blockade, but abut a genocide, a constant persecution against Venezuelan funds, trade relations and currency.

«For instance, we were exchanging with a Mexican company oil for water trucks and supplies to produce food because they prevented us from paying in foreign currency. What did the United States do? It made it go out of business. Today, Petrocaribe member countries also say they have been affected because Venezuelan was their main oil supplier,» he said.


Foreign Minister Arreaza said Venezuela has been the only country, at least in Latin America, that has experienced «reverse migration,» or volunteer massive repatriation during the pandemic.

«Through our borders, nearly 100,000 Venezuelans have returned in the last months, 300,000 since mid-last year. They are actually returning. Many Venezuelans are stranded, and so are foreigners in Venezuela, and we are coordinating that.»