Minister Arreaza denounces that President Duque attacks Venezuela to divert attention from the violent Colombian reality - MPPRE

Minister Arreaza denounces that President Duque attacks Venezuela to divert attention from the violent Colombian reality

The Peopole’s Power Minister for Foreign Relations, Jorge Arreaza, on Thursday accused the president of Colombia, Iván Duque, of resuming his campaign of infamies and fiction against Venezuela, with the purpose of diverting public attention from the violent reality of his country.

«In Colombia, the massacres, the unleashed violence, the uncontrollable drug trafficking do not stop», the Foreign Minister said through a message on his Twitter account @jaarreaza, in which he also highlighted the «catastrophic and unpopular management» of the Colombian president and the imprisonment of his political mentor Álvaro Uribe Vélez.

The Venezuelan diplomat’s reaction comes in response to the recent statements made by the Colombian president, in which he lies about an alleged negotiation between President Nicolás Maduro and Iran for the purchase of missiles.

The Foreign Minister’s mention of Uribe Vélez in his message is due to the fact that recently the Supreme Court of Justice of Colombia ordered his house arrest on charges of procedural fraud and bribery.

The UN has documented at least 33 massacres and the murder of 97 human rights defenders in Colombia so far this year, while other organizations have denounced the murder of 971 social leaders since the signing of the Peace Accords in 2016 in the neogranadine nation.