Venezuela registers 233 new COVID-19 cases - MPPRE

Venezuela registers 233 new COVID-19 cases

In the last 24 hours Venezuela registered 233 new COVID-19 cases for a total number of 5,530 cases, informed Vice-president Delcy Rodríguez, who explained that out of these new cases, 91 are due to community transmission and 142 are imported cases, including 138 from Colombia and 2 from Brazil.

Cases due to community transmission were detected in Zulia (24), Miranda (22), Capital District (13), Sucre, (9), Carabobo (9), Lara (5), Trujillo (4), Táchira (2), Aragua (2), and Yaracuy (1).

«Unfortunately, we have to inform that 4 people have died in the last 24 hours, 2 in Zulia, one in Falcón and one in the Capital District. Venezuela totals 48 deaths due to the pandemic,» she explained.

Regarding the 5,530 cases that have been reported so far in Venezuela, the Venezuelan vice-president said that «3,364 are asymptomatic, 447 have developed mild respiratory insufficiency, 13 moderate respiratory insufficiency, and 9 severe respiratory insufficiency who have been sent to ICUs.»

She reported 63,532 Venezuelans have returned through the country’s borders so far.

Rodríguez urged the Venezuelan population to responsibly comply with the prevention protocols established by the World Health Organization to contain the pandemic.

«Until there is a vaccine or an effective treatment against this disease, we need to change our lifestyle. We need to have hope, but we also need to have conscience,» she urged.