President Maduro: Washington Post's and Miami Herald's predictions failed - MPPRE

President Maduro: Washington Post’s and Miami Herald’s predictions failed

Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro stressed on Friday, May 1, that The Washington Post’s and The Miami Herald’s predictions failed as Venezuela is proving them wrong with best course of action to fight COVID-19. Maduro recalled these two media corporations claimed that Venezuela was going to be the epicenter of the pandemic in the world. On the contrary, the Venezuelan president warned that if right-wing governments could infect Venezuela, they would not hesitate to do it. He announced that this weekend quarantine measures in Venezuela will be eased, and children and senior citizens will be able to go out for recreation activities within a mile from their homes. Senior citizens will be able to go out from 8:00 am to noon and children from 2:00 to 6:00 pm with their parents as long as they comply with preventative measures. During a video conference with the working class to commemorate May 1, the Venezuelan president informed Venezuela has 4,100,000 militia men and women, and instructed Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino, Chief of the  Operational Strategic Command Remigio Ceballos and Chief of the Bolivarian Militia Jesús Bernal to have «100% of Combatant Corps, in the 2,120 Productive Worker’s Councils.»