Vaccine tests against Covid-19 in China progress successfully - MPPRE

Vaccine tests against Covid-19 in China progress successfully

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, appreciated on Wednesday that there are good news in the progress of tests for vaccines against the Coronavirus (Covid-19), from the People’s Republic of China. «I have faith in the vaccines that the People’s Republic of China is preparing, there are good news on the progress of the tests of those vaccines», but «they say that this will not take less than a year», said the President, guided by what authorities of the «World Health Organization (WHO) and the countries have said». Disinfection day monitoring In a national day of disinfection, maintenance and cleaning, the Venezuelan Hhead of State stated that from early morning «he has been following up on all television stations, on all social networks, people came out motivated, happy to support the entire disinfection day, from early morning, before ten a.m.»
«The Gran Misión Venezuela Bella started, this mission that barely completed a year in January (…) we need a clean, beautiful, disinfected Venezuela, we need to learn new methods to disinfect the streets well, because when we return to normal, it will to be a relative normality and we have to take care of ourselves to the maximum until the vaccines are obtained», he said.
Lara activated The President made a contact with the Lara state, where the entity’s governor, Carmen Meléndez, along with Transbarca authorities, took on Wednesday the laudable task of disinfecting the streets of this western state. «We are in the disinfection plan at all Transbarca stops and on all buses that meet the Transbarca route, to transfer our people to the different prioritized activities within the state», said Meléndez. The governor explained that there are, in this sense, fifteen routes for health workers, seven for kidney patients and nine for the rest of the people who go shopping in the mornings for the benefit of the entire family who are waiting at home». So far – detailed the governor – «we have carried out 571 disinfection operations in markets, hospitals, Comprehensive Diagnostic Centers (CDI), squares and in prioritized places».