Constituentist Hermann Escarrá meets in Rome with dean of Universidad La Sapienza - MPPRE

Constituentist Hermann Escarrá meets in Rome with dean of Universidad La Sapienza

In order to promote and deepen academic cooperation between Italy and Venezuela; Hermann Escarrá, president of the Constitutional Permanent Commission of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), accompanied by the Head of Business of the Diplomatic Mission, María Elena Uzzo Giannattasio, was received by the dean of the Faculty of Jurisprudence of La Sapienza University of Rome, Oliviero Diliberto. The Italian professor expressed the intention of offering to Venezuelan postgraduate students the possibility of studying at La Sapienza University, within the framework of the academic cooperation between universities in both countries. For his part, Escarrá expressed to the university authorities, professors and doctoral students present, his gratification for the meeting at the Italian university, one of the largest and most prestigious study houses on the European continent. The Venezuelan professor also affirmed that the academy is a place of dialogue, for confronting ideas and, therefore, is a place where thought is honored, respected and defended. «I am grateful for this significant meeting, in which we exchange information on constitutional matters and on the National Constituent Assembly, in the field of academic cooperation between Italy and Venezuela on Constitutional Law». Accepting and responding to the opportunity, the Venezuelan constitutionalist said that the exchange of students could occur reciprocally with Italian students who wish to pursue doctoral studies in the jurisprudence faculties of the South American country. Apart from the meeting, Escarrá greeted the ordinary professor of Constitutional Law Gaetano Azzariti. Doctoral students, lawyers, legal experts and researchers participated in the meeting.