Venezuelan companies may issue securities in foreign currency - MPPRE

Venezuelan companies may issue securities in foreign currency

The National Executive authorized the issuance of securities in foreign currency to businessmen in the country. «The issuance of securities in foreign currency is approved for all companies in the country, comply it, publish it and execute it!» Said the head of State and Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, on the night of this Wednesday. From the Ayacucho hall of the Miraflores Palace, the dignitary said that the authorization as a legal norm is approved so the country’s productive apparatus issues securities in foreign currency for financing and self-financing. «So no one keep your hands tied … and so we are recovering and building a new model», he said, to put aside dependence and oil rent. Finally, the President urged the national productive sector to continue working to boost the entry of foreign exchange to strengthen the economy and ensure social protection for the people of Venezuela. «The more we strengthen ourselves with stronger foreign exchange revenues to the State, we will be there to support them in the future, to reinvest in social security, economic production and wealth creation for the country», he concluded.