Bolivarian government announces launch of identification card for refugees - MPPRE

Bolivarian government announces launch of identification card for refugees

This Wednesday, the president of the National Commission for Refugees (Conare), Juan Carlos Alemán, revealed that «from this July first will start the thirty days trial period, for a new card, which will serve as identification for Refugees in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela», these statements were issued during the commemoration of World Refugee Day. «This new form of document is part of the progress in international human rights that is developed in the country and will be delivered to 50 families», said the President of Conare. The commemorative act was developed from the Sucre room of the Yellow House and counted with the participation of the representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Matthew Crentsil, the Ombudsman, Alfredo Díaz, and the Director of the Dispatch of the Vice-ministry of Domestic Policy and Legal Security, Diana Mata. The UNHCR representative, Matthew Crentsil said that «this card complies with international human rights standards, and seeks to promote the right to identification, eliminating the status of a stateless person who is not entitled to mobility». On the other hand, Crentsil reminded those present that «in Venezuela we only talk about migrants from this country, but we must remember the solidarity and support that the Venezuelan government and people provide to refugees, asylum seekers and to the migrants who each year join this country, guarantor of respect and integration». World Refugee Day was established by the General Assembly of the United Nations, and began to be commemorated as of June 20, 2001.
Acto por el Día Mundial del Refugiado y Refugiada