President Nicolás Maduro proposes Venezuela as the seat of CLAE 2021 - MPPRE

President Nicolás Maduro proposes Venezuela as the seat of CLAE 2021

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, proposed on Saturday that Venezuela becomes the headquarters of the Latin American and Caribbean Student Congress and the World Festival of Youth and Students to be held in 2021. During the closing of the XVIII edition of the CLAE, which had the participation of approximately 38 Latin American organizations composed of young leaders, the Venezuelan head of State said that in 2021 the 200th anniversary of the victory of the Battle of Carabobo over the Spanish empire and the declaration of the independence of Venezuela will be celebrated, so the occasion is propitious to celebrate this important regional congress. After a week of debates with the participation of 3000 young people, the Venezuelan President urged social leaders to remain alert to the onslaught of neoliberalism against student movements. «Do not be fooled. We have shown in the countries of the ALBA that another world is possible, it is possible to sustain the sufficient investment to have a public, free and high quality education that protects the children, the youth the people in general», he said. Likewise, President Nicolás Maduro pointed out that activities such as the Latin American and Caribbean Student Congress «constitute living processes, which express the dynamics and the dialectic of the real struggles of each one of the young people in their countries», reason why he considers necessary to build a network of communications, information and propaganda in defense of public, free and liberating education with the aim of articulating the progressive students that make up the aforementioned congress. «You need to have a very powerful network through the social. A very powerful network of influence, information, mobilization of conscience creation, with production teams (…) One of the great tasks is to win the battle in the networks, in the street, in the mobilization, in the political power», he said. This initiative raised by the president responds, to his judgment, to the dispute that Latin America is waging in this century, a struggle for sovereignty and freedom, which pretend to be snatched by the imperial yoke. The Head of State, took the opportunity to denounce once again the aggression and persecution against Venezuela, which occurs through the economic blockade imposed by the United States government presided by Donald Trump. «They have stolen more than 30 billion dollars from us in bank accounts abroad. I tell you with absolute certainty that Venezuela, despite the robberies, the blockade and the economic aggressions, will not be stopped by anyone or anything. We will move forward, we will succeed, we will open new roads and we will be freer, we will be fairer, more independent», he said.
Presidente Nicolás Maduro lidera clausura del XVIII Congreso Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Estudiantes