10 governments of the self-called Lima Group rectify their position on respect to the Venezuelan territory - MPPRE

10 governments of the self-called Lima Group rectify their position on respect to the Venezuelan territory

This Saturday, the People’s Power Minister for Foreign Relations, Jorge Arreaza, described as a victory of the Bolivarian Diplomacy of Peace, the rectification of 10 governments belonging to the self-called Group of Lima, within the 48 hours set by the Head of State Nicolás Maduro Moros, before what is established in article 9 of the statement issued on January 4 by this Group. «We want to address the Venezuelan people with a positive spirit, diplomacy has triumphed in our Latin America and the Caribbean», said the Foreign Minister from Yellow House Antonio José in Sucre, Caracas. On January 9 through a press conference to national and international media, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela informed that the formal delivery of 12 diplomatic notes of protest had been made to the governments that subscribed to the aforementioned declaration. The National President also stressed that he gave only 48 hours to change their opinion regarding the sovereignty of Venezuela, otherwise «the most urgent and crude measures for the defense of the country» would be taken. Until now: Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Brazil and Panama; have modified their position and it is expected that within the next 48 extra hours provided by the President, the Republic of Paraguay and Canada join to the list. Paragraph 9 of this infamous declaration sought to question the territorial integrity of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and its jurisdictional waters, in addition to support the illegal incursion of two ships of the United State’s oil company Exxon Mobile with the endorsement of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana. FM Arreaza added that sometimes under pressure, some foreign ministers are able to sign elements with which they disagree, dictated by a center of power. He also urged the rectification of other policies of aggression. The diplomat said that Venezuela, as a pioneer of independence processes, has the responsibility to insist on the path of dialogue, peace and non-interference in the internal affairs of the region and stressed that ideological intolerance is contrary to the principles of international law. «In a positive signal we have to return to dialogue and stick to the Geneva agreement of 1966, which is the legal instrument that governs this historical controversy, product of an inheritance, of a colonial dispossession. It is time for us to resolve this through international law and through respect among countries» the Foreign Minsiter called for reflection.
10 gobiernos del autodenominado Grupo de Lima rectifican su postura sobre el respeto al territorio venezolano