Vice-minister Castillo proposes to reinforce a policy of comprehensive attention to the migrant - MPPRE

Vice-minister Castillo proposes to reinforce a policy of comprehensive attention to the migrant

To strengthen the policy of comprehensive attention to the migrants at the borders to deal with international campaigns that seek to discredit and position the thesis of the failed state in Venezuela, is the proposal of the Vice-minister of International Communication of the People’s Power Ministry for Foreign Relations, William Castillo. In an interview granted to Venezolana de Televisión, Vice-minister Castillo pointed out that the hundreds of Venezuelans who migrated to other latitudes – and who have returned to the country through the Plan Vuelta a la Patria – were victims of an operation, described by him as perverse, to attract and convince the nationals to leave their Homeland. In this sense, Castillo explained that the modalities applied to incentivize the migration of Venezuelans were: the coverage of the cost of the passage, a formal employment and the use of migration officials -from the countries to which the Venezuelans migrated- who were the managers to convince nationals to declare themselves as refugees in order to access the benefits of the country to which they migrated. According to the Venezuelan official, this operation carried out by governments of the international right wing aimed to «deceive Venezuelans with promises and false expectations that were not met» and that triggered actions of xenophobia, violence, labor exploitation and trafficking of Venezuelan men and women. Castillo stressed that once the nationals returns to their homeland, it is offered to them an integral approach to be incorporated into the social policies carried out by the national Executive, in order to speed up their reintegration into society and the labor field.