Approved Law Decree for the Sovereign and Jurisdictional Guarantee on the Continental Platform of the Orinoco Delta - MPPRE

Approved Law Decree for the Sovereign and Jurisdictional Guarantee on the Continental Platform of the Orinoco Delta

This Friday, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, signed the Law Decree for the Sovereign and Judicial Guarantee on the Continental Shelf of the Orinoco Delta. In this sense, the executive vice president of the Bolivarian Government, Delcy Rodríguez, headed the Council of Ministers No. 387, from the Hall Sol of Peru of the Miraflores Palace, where she reported about the progress of the policies established by the National Government in order to to guarantee the stability of the territory and expose the importance of this decree. «This supposes the protection and maximum juridical security to all our maritime spaces, and in this case to this important continental platform», Rodríguez said. This Law Decree is intended to guarantee the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to exercise the rights of full sovereignty and exclusive jurisdiction over the entire submarine platform, and continental subsoil that projects the Orinoco Delta to the continental margin towards the Atlantic Ocean or atlantic facade of the Orinoco Delta. For his part, the Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza, celebrated the approval of this decree expressing through his Twitter account @jaarreaza that, «with the signature of Pdte. @NicolasMaduro, today the Council of Ministers approved the DECREE FOR THE SOVEREIGN GUARANTEE ON THE CONTINENTAL PLATFORM OF THE ORINOCO DELTA, reinforcing our full and jurisdictional sovereignty on the Atlantic side of the Orinoco Delta», he wrote.