President Maduro: Fitven 2018 has been a success for the economy and the future of the country - MPPRE

President Maduro: Fitven 2018 has been a success for the economy and the future of the country

In the closing ceremony of the International Tourism Fair of Venezuela (Fitven) in its XIII edition, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, stressed that tourism is a vital engine of the Bolivarian Economic Agenda. «I invite businessmen, investors, representatives of governments to participate in the birth of a new tourist power, because Venezuela will be in the medium term a tourist power, for the sustainable economic development of our country», said the national president. He stressed that «everyone who comes to Venezuela gets shocked at the arrival, excited (…) all delegations are impressed for the treatment of the Venezuelan people. Everyone thinks that will find a country in flames, in a civil war, but they find a country in peace, fighting for its future. That’s why tourism is so important». In a sense, he pointed out that before the campaign against the country, the best way to defend the truth of Venezuela is by tourism. «The best way to defend the truth of Venezuela against so much dirty campaign, so much psychological campaign to damage the image of Venezuela in the world, is to practice tourism and Venezuela is a country of open doors for historical, recreational tourism», said the Head of State. Finally, President Maduro proposed the development of historic tourism, which is «highly valued» in the world, for the historical richness of Venezuela, because «here was born the greatest of the greatest, the Liberator Simón Bolívar and here lies his exploits all over the country you can say, ‘here was Bolívar’ and you can create the route of Bolívar and the liberating armies», to generate historical recreational tourism.