90 nationals arrive from the Dominican Republic thanks to the Plan Vuelta a la Patria - MPPRE

90 nationals arrive from the Dominican Republic thanks to the Plan Vuelta a la Patria

The first flight of the Plan Vuelta a la Patria from the Dominican Republic arrived on Saturday at Simón Bolívar International Airport in Maiquetía with 90 Venezuelan citizens.

Of those 90 repatriated compatriots, 28 are women, 33 men and 29 children and adolescents.

With this twelfth flight of the airlift activated by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, there are more than 7700 Venezuelans repatriated from different Latin American countries such as Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, among others.

The ambassador of Venezuela in the Dominican Republic, David Uzcátegui Duque, said that unlike other countries, on the Caribbean island there is no evidence of xenophobia or abuse towards Venezuelans.

The diplomat who accompanied the compatriots to the International Airport of Las Americas in Santo Domingo, said that through social networks, the national media actors aligned with the interventionist actions of the international right, began a smear campaign that begins to affect the compatriots in the Dominican Republic.

The economic precariousness experienced by venezuelans in that country was what motivated their return to Venezuela, as their status as migrants did not allow them to obtain a job and formal income.

Uzcátegui reported that the repatriation of more venezuelans residing in the Caribbean country is planned.

«Many of the Venezuelan compatriots who emigrated to the Dominican Republic are going through a difficult economic vulnerability, which hinders their survival in the country,» said the Ambassador.

He added that the venezuelan diplomatic mission in the Dominican Republic will keep working to support the compatriots who decide to return to their homeland.