Consulate of Venezuela in Puerto Rico rejects interventionist statements by Governor Ricardo Rosselló - MPPRE

Consulate of Venezuela in Puerto Rico rejects interventionist statements by Governor Ricardo Rosselló

The Consulate of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands of the United States categorically rejected the antidemocratic and interventionist declarations made last Tuesday by the Governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Roselló, along with spokesmen of the Venezuelan opposition.

Through the Consulate’s account in the social network Twitter @consulvenepr, the statement was announced.

Governor Roselló, accompanied by the fugitive from venezuelan justice, Antonio Ledezma, said at a press conference that the island will support the venezuelan opposition as a «humanitarian aid logistics center».

It should be noted that at this time, many areas of Puerto Rico are without water service, without electricity, with paralyzed education and blocked roads due to the passage of Hurricane Mary a little over a year ago.