Venezuela denounces Colombian fake flag on drug operation in Amazonas - MPPRE

Venezuela denounces Colombian fake flag on drug operation in Amazonas

In the afternoon the FM of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza, reported the delivery of a Note of Protest to the Foreign Ministry of Colombia in rejection of a supposed incursion of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) in Colombian territory.

«We inform that we have delivered an official protest note to the Foreign Ministry of Colombia denouncing the fake flag that they intend to build on a supposed incursion into their territory on September 13, 2018», the FM said through his Twitter account @jaarreaza.

The Foreign Minister indicated that the operation of the GNB in ​​which four colombian citizens were arrested, was carried out in Mantequero Island, Amazonas State, Venezuelan territory. In this regard, he noted that «the colombian government insists on creating constant aggression against Venezuela».

At the same time, he reiterated the willingness of the venezuelan Government to protect the border area in order to neutralize the colombian drug trafficking industry.