South-South Cooperation: "New challenges for our America and Africa in the current context" - MPPRE

South-South Cooperation: «New challenges for our America and Africa in the current context»

On November 27, 2020, the South-South Cooperation Webinar New challenges for our America and Africa in the current context was held, organized by the Venezuelan Embassy in Angola, in coordination with the Research Program on Africa and its Diaspora in Latin America (AFRYDAL) of the Center for Research on Culture and Society (CIECS-CONICET), of the National University of Córdoba, of the Argentine Republic.

The telematic meeting featured presentations by Amaral Lala, director of the Higher Institute of Social Sciences and International Relations (CIS), of the Republic of Angola, and Yuri Pimentel, Vice-minister for Africa of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, who made known to the participants from different countries, the current challenges and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to the peoples of Latin America and Africa.

The panelists in their dissertation emphasized the need for the peoples and governments of Latin America and the African continent to strengthen through the various mechanisms of regional and sub-regional integration, such as Unasur, the African Union, SADC, among others, as well as the agreements reached to date in the forums and summits.

Vice-minister Yuri Pimentel gave an extensive account of the summits of South America-Africa, in which he rescued the original proposals of Commander Hugo Chávez to create the Bank of the South, the University of the Southern Peoples, Radio del Sur and teleSUR These last two have already been materialized at least in Latin America.

The telematic meeting was moderated by Professor Diego Buffa, director of the Research Program on Africa and its Diaspora in Latin America, and it responds to the need to generate contributions that favor the strengthening of cooperation between African and Latin American countries.