Bolivian President Luis Arce advocates for South-South integration and the recovery of Unasur in his inauguration - MPPRE

Bolivian President Luis Arce advocates for South-South integration and the recovery of Unasur in his inauguration

«We strongly assume the principles of self-determination of the peoples, non-intervention, non-alignment and full legal and political equality of all States, without any form of subordination. We are committed to an emancipatory integration», Luis Arce said this Sunday during the inauguration as new president of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

With the presence of leaders and authorities of the region, including Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza representing the Government and people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the new Head of State of the sister Andean country vindicated South-South integration for a world free from the imposition of the empire.

He also advocated political unity in the diversity of Latin America and the Caribbean, defining the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) as the best way to conquer this noble and historic cause.

In addition, he spoke in favor of the recovery of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) as a space for integration and a mechanism for political agreement in the subregion, «in which we all find ourselves regardless of the political orientation of the governments.»

The Bolivian dignitary also expressed his will to work for a multipolar world in which there is no supremacy of any power and in which all States and human beings «live without fear, without wars, without hatred, without looting of the natural resources, without exploitation, without racism, without discrimination, without threats and without pressure of any kind.»

The Vice-president-elect, David Choquehuanca, for his part, stressed that «we seek brotherhood, not confrontations. We are not from the culture of war or domination. Our fight is against all kinds of submission and against the single colonial, patriarchal thought, wherever it comes from.»

Luis Arce and David Choquehuanca were elected in the elections of October 18 with more than 55% of the votes, backed by the Movement for Socialism-Political Instrument for the Sovereignty of the Peoples (MAS-IPSP).