Venezuela promotes the creation of an Action Committee on migration issues in SELA - MPPRE

Venezuela promotes the creation of an Action Committee on migration issues in SELA

This Tuesday, a telematic meeting was held with the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) for the formal installation of the Action Committee on migration issues, which, from a multidimensional, non-exclusive and non-discriminatory perspective, will carry out studies on the regional integration and its challenges.

The initiative – promoted by Venezuela – aims to study the structural and conjunctural elements that generate migratory processes, through an Action Committee in accordance with article 20 of the Panama Convention that constitutes SELA, which establishes in Chapter IV – Organic Structure , section B. Of the Action Committees that:

«To carry out specific studies, programs, and projects and for the preparation and adoption of joint negotiating positions of interest to more than two Member States, Action Committees made up of representatives of the interested Member States will be constituted.»

Consequently, Alexander Yánez, Vice-minister for Multilateral Issues of the People’s Power Ministry for Foreign Relations, pointed out that both Nicaragua, Cuba and Suriname will be part of the team that makes up the Action Committee.

It should be noted that SELA in its 2020 migration plan provided for the establishment of an activity called «Regional Integration and its Migratory Challenges.»

What is SELA, who make it up, and what is its purpose?

The Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) is a regional intergovernmental organization, created on October 17, 1975, through the Constitutive Agreement of Panama and made up of 26 Latin American and Caribbean States, namely: Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados , Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Fundamentally, it is aimed at promoting a consultation and organization system to agree on common positions and strategies of Latin America and the Caribbean, in economic matters, before countries, groups of nations, forums and international organizations, with the purpose of promoting cooperation and integration between countries in the region.