Antigua and Barbuda plans to hold ALBA-China forum to strengthen strategic alliances before COVID-19 - MPPRE

Antigua and Barbuda plans to hold ALBA-China forum to strengthen strategic alliances before COVID-19

This Wednesday, during his speech at the High Level Conference: Post Pandemic Economy at ALBA-TCP, the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne, indicated that «COVID-19 has been a lesson for everyone» and urged the regional block to articulate a collective response.

In this sense, he pointed out that the «response must be the unique voice of ALBA, to express global solidarity at the moment, because what we are observing is the unilateralism of the countries that only watch for themselves, but not for solidarity global that is essential to face this crisis”.

The Prime Minister stated that ALBA-TCP should advocate for universal access to the vaccine found against COVID-19.

In turn, he suggested holding an ALBA-China forum in order to strengthen strategic and economic alliances between the countries of the regional bloc and the People’s Republic of China.

On the other hand, the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda thanked the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Republic of Cuba for the support provided through supplies, knowledge, doctors and nurses to combat COVID-19, «which has allowed us to overcome largely this epidemic».

Finally, he reiterated his support and solidarity with Venezuela and Cuba, while rejecting the unilateral coercive measures imposed by the United States Government on these two countries.

«You can be sure that Antigua and Barbuda will remain a reliable ally and ready to support you at all times from within ALBA», he said.