Foreign Minister Arreaza condemns inaction by the international community in the assassinations of social leaders in Colombia - MPPRE

Foreign Minister Arreaza condemns inaction by the international community in the assassinations of social leaders in Colombia

The People’s Power Minister for Foreign Relations, Jorge Arreaza, warned on Tuesday about the need to «help Colombia» in the face of the wave of assassinations of social leaders that shakes the neighboring country, while condemning the inaction of the international community and the multilateral system on this situation.

«Last week in Colombia, one social leader was killed per day, including the family of ex-combatants. We denounce it with deep dismay. The International Community and the multilateral system do nothing and say almost nothing. We must help Colombia!» , exhorted the Foreign Minister through his account @jaarreaza on the social network Twitter.

The information on this number of victims was taken by the Minister from a message shared on the same platform by Iván Cepeda Castro, senator of the Republic of Colombia and defender of peace and human rights, who denounced the silence that prevails in the management of Iván Duque on these crimes.

«This week another 7 social leaders were assassinated, one per day. Also two family children of ex-guerrillas. Absolute silence of the Government», reads the tweet of the Colombian congressman.

According to the registry kept by the Institute for Development and Peace Studies (Indepaz), by mid-May more than 100 social leaders and former guerrilla fighters had been assassinated in Colombia so far in 2020.