Uruguay's Frente Amplio condemns armed incursion into Venezuelan territory - MPPRE

Uruguay’s Frente Amplio condemns armed incursion into Venezuelan territory

The Frente Amplio of Uruguay condemns the armed incursion carried out against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on May 3. The organization indicates through a statement, «that the objective of this armed operation is undoubtedly the deepening of the process of institutional destabilization in Venezuela (…) which would cause an increase of violence and deaths of innocent people». In this sense, they express their solidarity with the constitutional government of Venezuela and its people. They reiterate in the text that «in the framework of the principles of International Law, this type of actions which violate the sovereignty of Venezuela are inadmissible. A statement is attached below: [crear_boton_PDF]https://mppre.gob.ve/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/18.05.20-DEC.-Venezuela.pdf[/crear_boton_PDF]