Failed Operation Gideon called for U.S. troops to move into Venezuela - MPPRE

Failed Operation Gideon called for U.S. troops to move into Venezuela

The failed Operation Gideon, embodied in a contract signed by Sivercorp and Juan Guaido, called for U.S. troops to move into Venezuelan territory, said Sectorial Vice-president of Communication, Culture and Tourism Jorge Rodríguez. Rodríguez presented the voluntary testimony of Antonio Sequea, operational chief of this terrorist incursion who was captured in the locality of Chuao, Aragua State.
«In his testimony, Antonio Sequea said that the uniforms with the U.S. flag were not for mercenaries, but for U.S. troops that would try to move into Venezuela.»
Enquiries into the material seized after the apprehension found ten rifles, a 9mm Glock, six SUV vehicles, a boat with two outboard motors, satellite telephones, IDs, uniforms, and a helmet with the U.S. flag, informed Venezuela’s Interior Minister Nestor Reverol on May 4. During his briefing, Rodriguez stressed that the plans form a criminal triangle linking the U.S. administration with the Venezuelan right-wing and drug trafficking. According to Sequea, who kept contact on a daily basis with Jordan Goudreau, U.S. contractor and owner of Silvercorp, the plan was endorsed by lawmaker Juan Guaido and backed by U.S: president Donald Trump. Likewise, Rodríguez unveiled additional evidence showing how the plans of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) are linked through «James Story, U.S. ambassador to Guaido’s Narnia.» In this regard, he presented a conversation where Hernan Aleman, lawmaker of Accion Democratica (AD) party in Zulia State, talks about a meeting he held with Story in Miami. «He was at your Embassy, in a toast, and got him to talk with CIA agents. They talked about this plan, and Hernan surely received instructions on this plan,» asserted Rodriguez, who invited Story to deny Aleman’s words.