Sao Paulo forum warns that mercenary incursion in Venezuela threatens regional peace - MPPRE

Sao Paulo forum warns that mercenary incursion in Venezuela threatens regional peace

In a statement of solidarity with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Sao Paulo Forum Working Group strongly condemned the incursion of an armed group, which a week ago attempted to initiate terrorist actions in the South American country and overthrow the government of the President. Nicolás Maduro Moros, «an extremely serious act that violates the principle that defines Latin America and the Caribbean as a zone of peace». In this sense, the People’s Power Minister for Foreign Relations, Jorge Arreaza, thanked the support of the regional political platform. «The @ForodeSaoPaulo demands the Trump Government to end the threat of armed invasion against Venezuela. It rejects the criminal blockade and calls on the progressive forces of the world to support the initiative of the Peace Dialogue of President @NicolasMaduro», wrote the Foreign Minister on his Twitter account @jaarreaza on Monday afternoon.
Canciller Arreaza anuncia que Venezuela elevará denuncia de incursión ante Consejo de Seguridad
In its pronouncement, the Sao Paulo Forum considers that the threat of an armed invasion against Venezuela constitutes a clear violation of the United Nations Charter, which is why it demands the United States government to end it, as well as «rejecting the economic, financial and commercial blockade that has been imposed for several years» on the Bolivarian homeland. «We value the iron unity of the Venezuelan people, their pacifist conscience, and we call on all progressive forces in the world to support the initiative of the Humanitarian Dialogue for Peace, formulated by comrade President Nicolás Maduro», emphasizes the declaration, while Congratulates the Venezuelan people and government for the titanic effort made to contain the Covid-19 pandemic. The Sao Paulo Forum is a platform made up of left-wing political parties from Latin America and the Caribbean. It was founded by the Brazilian Workers’ Party in 1990 to debate strategies to be undertaken in the face of neoliberal policies applied by most governments in the region. The first Sao Paulo Forum took place in this Brazilian city.