Venezuela is ready to receive international humanitarian technical assistance through WHO - MPPRE

Venezuela is ready to receive international humanitarian technical assistance through WHO

The National Government confirmed that it is willing to receive humanitarian technical assistance from any country that declares so, under the coordination of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). “We are ready to receive any humanitarian aid or donation from the country that want to do so. We have very clear priorities”, emphasized the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, during a contact with the Presidential Commission for the Follow-up, Attention and Control of Covid-19. In this sense, he instructed the Vice-president of Communication, Culture and Tourism, Jorge Rodríguez, and the Foreign Minister of the Republic, Jorge Arreaza, to coordinate the necessary steps to channel possible international donations. The comment responds to the indications issued by US officials about the Venezuelan Executive’s alleged refusal to accept international technical assistance to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, which to date totals 329 cases in the country. «They are lying. What do you want to donate to Venezuela? Approved! With WHO and PAHO everything you want», he said. The Dignitary questioned that the Donald Trump administration claims to be the largest donor of humanitarian aid to Venezuela, when no cargo or donation has reached the hands of Venezuelans. «If you put money through the opposition, it was stolen», he stressed. Meanwhile, he reiterated his call to political, religious and social leaders to work together to finalize a humanitarian agreement that allows defining actions to face the new Coronavirus.