Venezuela maintains strict sanitary controls against the risk that Brazil and Colombia represent - MPPRE

Venezuela maintains strict sanitary controls against the risk that Brazil and Colombia represent

Venezuela maintains the establishment of strict sanitary and epidemiological controls on compatriots who return to the country through the border states, taking into consideration that «both Colombia and Brazil represent a significant risk and threat in terms of chains of contagion that may spread in Venezuela». This was highlighted by the Executive Vice-president of the Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, in statements offered this Saturday from the Miraflores Palace. When showing an interactive map of South America, in real time, of the situation of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), where the threats that exist around Venezuela are evident, she pointed out that while “this map is advancing, you can see that the epicenter in South America is in a neighboring country of Venezuela such as Brazil, and we also see the situation in Colombia, which is an important case (…) both countries with exponential curves”. «That is the reason for the controls on the return of compatriots to Venezuela», said the Vice-president. In her speech, she recalled that the protocol that is carried out when Venezuelans return has to do with
“a quick test, then they must stay in the border states for five days and from there they are transferred to their destination states to fulfill the two weeks of mandatory quarantine where they will later go to their homes to keep complying with the voluntary social isolation”.
She clarified that the quick test is done to people when they enter the country through the border states, when they leave to the destination states and when they arrive there. In both cases, “in the border states and in the destination states, if necessary and depending on the given medical attention, if there is a case that requires molecular testing they may also receive the PCR test”. «Hence the need to establish these strict sanitary and epidemiological controls and that our compatriots who are returning know that they are measures for the protection of their health and of the entire Venezuelan population», argued the Executive Vice-president.