Venezuelan Government confirms 10 new COVID-19 cases - MPPRE

Venezuelan Government confirms 10 new COVID-19 cases

The Venezuelan government confirmed 10 new COVID-19 cases for a total of 129 registered cases, informed Sectorial Vice President of Communication, Culture and Tourism Jorge Rodriguez on behalf of the Presidential Commission for the Prevention and Control of Coronavirus. Therefore, members of the Venezuelan government’s cabinet, headed by Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, are holding meetings on a regular basis to monitor the situation and take actions in this regard. Sectorial Vice President Rodríguez insisted on Sunday that «it is very important to stress that the government, even before the first COVID-19 cases were detected, is devoting all its attention to the protocol established by the World Health Organization (WHO). He commented that the country has received «assistance from China, Cuba, the WHO and Venezuelan epidemiologists, and that the four basic points President Maduro established to address the pandemic resulted from what these experts have suggested.» Rodríguez pointed out that «in the zones where alarms have been raised» such as the states of Miranda, Aragua and La Guaira (North-Central Region of the country, «quarantine is the only mechanism that works to flatten the curve.» He explained that the COVID-19 growth in the United States is producing «a horrible curve» that has caused more than 140,000 cases. Likewise, Rodríguez referred to the situation in Venezuela’s neighboring countries such as Brazil, «where there is an exponential growth in the curve.» Regarding the search protocol, he said: «We are not settling for with those patients reporting symptoms. We are searching and visiting cases to offer patients a personalized, broader attention.» These visits are paid by specialized medical teams after nearly 16 million citizens responded a survey reporting possible coronavirus symptoms online. He also ratified that the Venezuelan government has «enough test kits to attend to patients showing symptoms. Today, we are conducting more than 3,000 quick tests on all kinds of people, even though they only showed mild symptoms.» Assessment So far, 87 patients are under medical supervision, 39 have recovered, and unfortunately 3 have died. Early Sunday morning, a 60-year-old taxi driver died. The man lived in a neighborhood called Antimano in the west of Caracas and suffered from diabetes. The 60-year-old patient received proper medical care; however, he presented an extremely serious condition and it was impossible to save him. Presidential Press Office