Presidential Commission will activate prevention protocols against coronavirus - MPPRE

Presidential Commission will activate prevention protocols against coronavirus

Through a Presidential Commission, the National Government will deploy epidemiological surveillance protocols to prevent cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the national territory. The announcement was made by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, who explained that the body will be directed by the Executive Vice-president of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, to optimize the protection mechanisms and verify the provision of reagents and medical supplies. From the Ayacucho hall of the Miraflores Palace, located in Caracas, he informed that he will soon start a campaign to inform the population about the prevention methods to be adopted in homes, schools and work centers. The Dignitary indicated that the coronavirus represents a «threat to humanity» and, according to international analyzes, could be «a strain created for the biological war against China». «There are already many elements that are seen in the global analysis and the voice must be raised so that coronavirus is not a weapon of war against China and the peoples of the world», he emphasized during the launch of the Gran Misión Cuadrantes de Paz. In this regard, he noted that Venezuela has a strategic plan to address the coronavirus. «Venezuela, with its public health system and its conscious people, will face this threat and we will be successful», he said.
Comisión Presidencial activará protocolos de prevención contra el coronavirus