High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet positively values ​​collaboration with the Bolivarian Government - MPPRE

High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet positively values ​​collaboration with the Bolivarian Government

In the annual oral update of the Report on Assistance and Technical Cooperation with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, assessed Thursday “positively the access and collaboration maintained with my Office since my last oral update to this Council”. During the intervention at the 43rd Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council, which takes place in Geneva, Switzerland; Bachelet acknowledged that with the South American nation, her Office has «advanced in the execution of the technical cooperation work plan, as well as in matters of protection».
Venezuela ratifica cooperación con la Oficina de la Alta Comisionada de la ONU para los DDHH
Among other activities carried out in the country, she explained that they have made three new visits to detention centers and the observations on the confidential interviews carried out have been shared with the authorities for their action. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights thanked the cooperation of the Venezuelan authorities and the release of 14 people in January 2019. «Together with the (Bolivarian) Government we are evaluating the first semester of implementation of the Letter of Understanding signed in September 2019. I appreciate the operational space so far guaranteed to my Office», said the senior official of the multilateral organization.