La Vía Campesina's international mission recognizes resistance actions of the Venezuelan people - MPPRE

La Vía Campesina’s international mission recognizes resistance actions of the Venezuelan people

Delegates of the First International Mission of Solidarity of La Vía Campesina with Venezuela concluded on Tuesday a work day in the country that began on January 20, with the objective taking a closer look at the reality of the Venezuelan people, in their struggle, resistance and concrete actions executed in the face of the crisis that has generated the criminal blockade imposed by the US empire. The Mission was made up of Viviana Catrileo, Vice-president of the National Association of Rural and Indigenous Women of Chile; Marlen Sánchez, from the Association of Farmworkers of Nicaragua; Boaventura Monjane, communicator of La Vía Campesina África (Mozambique); José Miguel Elosegui, communicator of the Via Campesina South America (Uruguay); Juan Antonio García, leader of La Vía Campesina Spain and David Crump, of the Association of Agricultural Workers of Florida (USA).
‘La Vía Campesina en Venezuela’ conversa sobre los impactos del bloqueo económico con viceministro William Castillo
From this first visit, Catrileo said that it is now appropriate to prepare a report inside La Via Campesina about the details of the mission, the characterization of the visited places, the concrete actions carried out, emphasizing that they will indicate that the performed work requires the designation of a second mission, “that may, in some way, dictate actions of solidarity”. She defined that the visit of the international mission is crucial to break the communicational barriers that exist, both in the continent and in the world, on the Venezuelan reality: “We saw a dignified people, who fight, who resist, who defend their sovereignty and their democracy with clear conviction and we recognize that there is a revolutionary process”. She commented that they were at the Institute of Latin American Agroecology (Iala) «Paulo Freire», in Barinas, which she congratulated because it continues to resist despite all the difficulties. «We are going to see, at La Vía Campesina level, how we look for ways to support and help strengthen the Iala process», she said. They were also in the El Maizal Commune, in Lara state and the Los Picachos communal council, in the “Simón Bolívar” Communal City of Apure, where they mentioned the importance of the relationship with Iala and what the transition process means from Conventional agriculture to agroecology. “Conversing with people allowed us to know that patriotic feeling for the Bolivarian Revolution, for the defense of sovereignty, for democracy and for the defense of those rights that have been conquered and that are part of the revolutionary process of Venezuela, which for us in Latin America and in the world it is still a reference of struggle and resistance”, said Catrileo.

«Very good» peasant organization

Marlen Sánchez, from La Vía Campesina Nicaragua, said that beyond knowing the consequences of the United States trade blockade on the population, the Mission allowed us to verify the forms of resistance of the Venezuelan people, appropriating and putting into practice the legal and organizational instruments that commander Hugo Chavez left them. Likewise, Juan Antonio García, representative of La Vía Campesina Europa, observed a “very good” organization in the field, which covers all spheres, from the delivery of land, the seed, the distribution of food for livestock. «We have also seen how the majority of the population of Venezuela is served with the basic basket, which is called the Clap combo», he said. La Via Campesina is an international movement made up of 164 local and national organizations in 73 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and America, representing some 200 million peasants, small and medium farmers, landless, rural youth and women, indigenous, migrants and farm workers from around the world; built on a strong sense of unity and solidarity, which defends peasant agriculture and food sovereignty as a way of promoting social justice and dignity of peoples, and strongly opposing to agribusinesses that destroy social relations and nature.