Bolivarian Government denounces violation of human rights by the president of El Salvador - MPPRE

Bolivarian Government denounces violation of human rights by the president of El Salvador

The Venezuelan government through the People’s Power Minister for Women and Gender Equality, Asia Villegas, denounced the violation of human rights of Eliana Hernandez, wife of the Minister Counselor of the Venezuelan Embassy in El Salvador, who was forced to return by air from this Central American country with a triplet and high risk pregnancy. Hernandez explained that before traveling she was already at absolute rest at 27 weeks of gestation due to a presumed threat of preterm birth and high obstetric risk. However, due to the expulsion order of Venezuelan diplomatic personnel in El Salvador, she had no alternative but to travel despite the indications. «I hold Bukele responsible for what can happen to me and my girls», she said. For her part, the Minister, Asia Villegas, claimed that it is about the violation of her emotional, physical and psychological integrity, and stressed that she is exposed to the whole family, both boys and girls to come. «We made an appearance since the plane landed to be attended immediately and was already evaluated (…) we make the claim from the National Women’s Institute and the various movements that defend the struggles and rights of all women». The doctor who examined her indicated that her condition is reserved.