President Maduro: Before imperialist attacks Venezuela maintains its democratic path - MPPRE

President Maduro: Before imperialist attacks Venezuela maintains its democratic path

The constitutional president of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro Moros, said on Sunday that despite the onslaught of the US empire «Venezuela keeps intact its democratic and constitutional path that guarantees the social rights of the people». «With the constitutional process of 1999 we gave a popular response that opened the floodgates to a new society … an alternative model that demonstrates that in times of prosperity or blockade, wealth can really be distributed so the social rights be guaranteed» He said that despite the media campaigns, to which the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is subjected, the revolutionary project remains standing thanks to the indestructible popular force that has been built over 20 years. During his participation in the Anti-Imperialist Meeting of Solidarity for Democracy and against Neoliberalism, held in the city of Havana, Cuba, Maduro said that «in Venezuela an alternative model to neoliberalism, a deeply revolutionary model, has been built». He recalled that on December 15 marks 20 years of the constitutional process that established the basis for the construction of a new Venezuela that walks under a concept of equality.