XVIII Summit of the NAM: Decolonization is the flag that is raised against empires with interference visions - MPPRE

XVIII Summit of the NAM: Decolonization is the flag that is raised against empires with interference visions

“With the determination to build and consolidate the objectives for a more just and balanced world, the Non-Aligned Movement corroborates its principles for promoting cooperation, peace, political understanding among nations, thus opposing colonialism and neo-colonialism”, This was emphasized by the president of the World Peace Council, María Do Socorro Gómes, at the XVIII Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), held in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan. As a summary, she outlined that along the trajectory of the NAM, in recent decades, this instance has been able to show “how important it is that these countries are more united to overcome underdevelopment, and counteract the threats of the powers that base their economic and political strength on the dispossession of other countries”. Principles such as respect for the fundamental rights of peoples, the defense of sovereignty, the territorial integrity of nations, the recognition of the equality of all nations (large and small), non-intervention and non-interference in internal affairs of other countries, as well as respecting the right of each of the nations to defend themselves, «remain being the premises of this world forum». In her speech, María Do Socorro Gómes rescued the points addressed in the NAM conference, adopted at the previous conference of this group of countries held in Porlamar, Venezuela, whose document “emphasizes the need to concentrate efforts for peace and the resolution of conflicts, the fight against terrorism and the strategy of unconventional warfare, the so-called operations for a regime change. In these operations, interventionist signs are shown for colonialist purposes”. The spokeswoman also argued that beyond the struggle for peace, the struggle for defense and unity among nations is necessary, summarizing that “the World Peace Council has the fight against colonialism at its foundations, intervention, militarism and wars”. «We are in favor of intense international cooperation for peace and development», said the president of the World Peace Council, while stating that «the resolution of international conflicts is achieved by peaceful means».