Peru hinders flights of the Return to the Homeland Plan - MPPRE

Peru hinders flights of the Return to the Homeland Plan

The humanitarian flights scheduled this weekend for the return of the compatriots from the Republic of Peru were irretrievably suspended, due to the refusal of the multinational energy company Repsol to supply fuel to the Conviasa airplanes, even though it had already been financed by the Bolivarian Government. The Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza, made the complaint through his Twitter account @jarreaza. «A few weeks ago it was Argentina, now we denounce that Peru hinders the humanitarian flights of the Plan Vuelta a la Patria. The company Repsol refuses to supply the fuel that was paid in advance of the Conviasa airplanes», he said. The Foreign Minister accused Repsol of joining the criminal economic blockade that the United States maintains against the Venezuelan people and urged the government of Peru to be consistent with its humanitarian discourse and to resolve the situation so that the two Conviasa planes can take off. There are a total of 180 Venezuelans who wish to return to their homeland, among them, 54 boys and girls, 35 adults and older adults, 7 pregnant women and 8 people with reserved diagnoses, which constitutes a clear violation of the human rights of these compatriots. Last April, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela denounced the refusal of the Argentine government to grant the necessary permits for the flight of the Plan Vuelta a la Patria from Argentina; At that time 90 connationals had to be transferred to Uruguay to return to their country. Now, exactly one month later another impediment reappears. «We denounced Repsol for joining Trump’s criminal blockade against the Venezuelan people. I hope the government of Peru is consistent with its famous humanitarian discourse and resolves this situation so that we can return the 180 stranded compatriots», said Foreign Minister Arreaza.