FANB will guarantee defense of the basic services of the Venezuelan State - MPPRE

FANB will guarantee defense of the basic services of the Venezuelan State

The constitutional president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and commander-in-chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), Nicolás Maduro Moros, approved the creation and activation of the Command for the Defense of Strategic Basic Services of the Venezuelan State, in order to guarantee the security of these services after the cyber attack that affected much of the national territory, last Thursday, March 7. «This will be a new structure of our Bolivarian National Armed Forces, which arises as the reason for this imperialist electric attack, to strengthen and ensure all our public services», said the dignitary from the Government Palace, during a videoconference for the planning of the military exercises Ana Karina Rotes that will be developed from tomorrow Saturday. The President explained that this security command will be organized by 4 military corps: 1.- A body in charge of the response force to guarantee dispatchers and control in all the processes associated to the basic services. 2.- A body in charge of the physical and cybernetic security of the facilities. 3.- A group responsible for the maintenance, registration and control of materials, equipment, spare parts and supplies. 4.- A body that will be in charge of a comprehensive training of civil and military personnel for the defense of these spaces.