Head of State celebrates union of artists after concert "Para la Guerra Nada" - MPPRE

Head of State celebrates union of artists after concert «Para la Guerra Nada»

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, expressed on Saturday the extraordinary beginning of the concert for peace called «Para la guerra nada» (For war, nothing), an activity that takes place in the Táchira state, in defense of national independence and in rejection to the interventionist actions of the Donald Trump government. «Extraordinary beginning of the Concert «Para la Guerra Nada», a chanting that unites national and international artists for the peace of our beloved Venezuela. We are a loving, supportive and happy people. #TrumpHandsOffVenezuela», the president wrote in his personal Twitter account @NicolasMaduro. This recital started in the border area with Colombia, where Venezuelan and international artists come together in defense of national sovereignty, calling for harmony throughout the national territory. «We have been a blessed country, always besieged by foreign powers that want to appropriate what is ours», said singer Omar Acedo, after completing his role yesterday. Remember that the appointment will be resumed on Saturday 23 and will end tomorrow, Sunday, being an initiative of national and international artists where attendees will enjoy of varied music genders such as merengue, reggaetón, rock, and Venezuelan culture.