Venezuela objects pronouncement of the Presidency of the Caricom on controversy with Guyana - MPPRE

Venezuela objects pronouncement of the Presidency of the Caricom on controversy with Guyana

The Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza, objected to the communiqué issued by the Pro-Tempore Presidency of the Caribbean Community (Caricom) regarding on the controversy that has arisen with the Cooperative Republic of Guyana after the incursion into Venezuelan jurisdictional waters of two seismic exploration vessels, whose crew claimed to have a permit from the Guyanese government. «The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela considers that the assumptions that motivate the pronouncement of the Pro Tempore Presidency of Caricom are absolutely inaccurate. This is the result of having a version of one of the parties about the facts», said the diplomat through his Twitter account @jaarreaza, where he shared the statement by which the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry spoke before the text of the Caricom. In the official document, the Government of Venezuela «regrets that although there is an excellent political-diplomatic relationship and a fluid communication with Caricom, its PPT has not established contact with the Venezuelan authorities to know the position of the other party on the matter, thus guaranteeing the best possible balance before issuing such an opinion». In the same way, the National Executive reiterated that «the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela will continue to firmly exercise and defend its sovereign rights and before an unprecedented case like this one, it will do so in an unrestricted manner as well as in accordance with International Law, while at the same time, having the expectation of a more balanced position of the Caricom, as has been generally its tradition, especially in accordance with the truth and in honor of the principles of International Public Law which absolutely embraces all». The Venezuelan government reported Monday that the Bolivarian National Navy, carrying out its customary patrols for the Venezuelan Atlantic façade, corresponding to the day 12/22/2018, in charge of the Kariña Oceanic Patrolman (PO-14), saw the unprecedented presence in jurisdictional waters of Venezuela of two seismic exploration vessels. The referred ships were at the coordinates Latitude 09 ° 17 ‘4 «N Longitude 058 ° 15’ 7» W and Latitude 09 ° 15 ‘0 «Longitude 058 ° 17’ 3» W, in the maritime projection of the Orinoco Delta, being indubitable under sovereignty of Venezuela.