Venezuela demands respect from the international community for its Government and its institutions - MPPRE

Venezuela demands respect from the international community for its Government and its institutions

Due to the serious denunciation made by President Nicolás Maduro, the FM of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza, held a meeting on Thursday with members of the diplomatic corps accredited in the South American country with the aim of ratifying the accusation and requesting the international representatives that transmit the precise information to their respective capitals. From the Yellow House Antonio José de Sucre in Caracas, the People’s Power Minister for Foreign Relations specifically referred to the international plot that is forged from the United States to carry out operations and actions of an illegal and terrorist nature in Venezuela, including the assassination of the Chief of the State, the overthrow of the legitimate Government and the imposition of a Transitory Government Council through a direct intervention scheme. «President Maduro said it very clearly. Everything points to the National Security Advisor (of the White House, John Bolton). The same who prevented the meeting between President Maduro and Trump in September», he said. The Venezuelan diplomat reiterated that in the North American base of Eglin Air Force, according to intelligence information that is handled, groups are trained with the intention of taking in Venezuela the Libero Air Base of Palo Negro, (Aragua State), the Naval Base of Puerto Cabello (Carabobo state), and the Air Base of Barcelona (Anzoátegui state). In the same sense, he stressed that in the Colombian municipality of Tona 734 Colombian and Venezuelan men are trained to execute paramilitary or false flag actions that propitiate a conflict between Caracas and Bogota. «The spark for a war, ignite a situation of conflict between Colombia and Venezuela to then justify international interventions», warned the Foreign Minister and highlighted the proximity of Tona with Chinácota, another Colombian municipality that trained the material authors of the attempted assassination against President Nicolás Maduro, executed on August 4 during the celebration of the 81st Anniversary of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB), one of the four components of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (Fanb). Faced with this scenario, he criticized the refusal of the New Granada Government and its Foreign Minister Carlos Holmes to establish a necessary channel of communication between both governments at the highest level. Anti-diplomatic action In his meeting with ambassadors and business managers, the Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Relations also mentioned the pretensions of the United States and its allies to «isolate» Venezuela diplomatically, facing the assumption of the second term of President Nicolás Maduro. «The State that wants, before the new government of President Maduro, withdraw his ambassador, his diplomatic and consular corps of Venezuela can do it. Hopefully those who have thought of such an anti-diplomatic action will consider it», he said. At the same time, Foreign Minister Arreaza demanded respect from the international community for the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. «Respect Venezuela, it’s the only thing we ask for, if they respect us they will not only have our respect but they will have our cooperation, our friendship, but if they do not respect us, do not expect from us but the defense of the sovereignty, of our identity, of our territory and our people in the ways it need to be defended», He added. The Venezuelan diplomat also denounced the economic blockade that Washington has imposed on Caracas and its consequences on the population, as well as the permanent destabilization process financed by the US government against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Reunión con Cuerpo Diplomático