Venezuela stands as a model of democracy in the 11th Bali Forum - MPPRE

Venezuela stands as a model of democracy in the 11th Bali Forum

The Vice-minister for Asia, the Middle East and Oceania of the People’s Power for Foreign Relations, Rubén Darío Molina, stressed on Thursday the full validity and strength of the democratic system in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which is being questioned from the centers of world power . During his speech at the 11th Forum of Democracy in Bali, in Indonesia, the diplomat stressed that the Venezuelan Constitution gives the population and the State countless spaces for the meeting and understanding of all components of society, without discrimination or gender, ethnic or religious exclusions, and with special attention to the most vulnerable sectors. «When a State is a guarantor of respect for the will of its inhabitants and provides innumerable spaces to facilitate understanding and thus reach a mid-point, allowing a peaceful development of individuals, to build collectively, with a support based on well-being of society, we can say that we are facing a democracy. In Venezuela we have called it the Bolivarian Democracy to Build Socialism», the Vice-minister deliberated in his speech. In this context, he emphasized that participatory democracy in Venezuela effectively addresses the needs of the population. «This people participates in the decisions of the productive  public, private and mixed sectors, using as a tool the permanent dialogue to reach the respective consensus», he said. Armored electoral system In his speech, Vice-minister Molina specifically highlighted the Venezuelan electoral system. «We speak of an automated system, fully armored, and constantly verified by audits at the time of voting and, subsequently, by political actors grouped in parties, movements or coalitions, with the participation of international observers», he explained. The diplomat added that in Venezuela the democracy is considered as a value and an inalienable right. Coercive measures disrespect rules of international law At the same time, he denounced that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is the victim of the imposition of unilateral coercive measures that violate international law. «Do these coercive measures contribute to the strengthening of democracy? Are these unilateral measures a sign of respect and tolerance? No, they are not. The large media corporations seek to standardize, promoting individualism, practices that attack the environment, among many other techniques used by the centers of power» , he reflected. The Vice-minister for Asia, the Middle East and Oceania confirmed, due to this situation, that the Venezuelan State will keep defending national sovereignty, independence and self-determination of the country, in addition to sustain its advocation for a more just and equitable world. «Today more than ever, it is necessary to unite ourselves against the permanent abuses of imperialism, defending inclusive multilateralism, our democracies, and the rights of our peoples», he added.