China assumes presidency of the UN Security Council under the slogan of strengthening multilateralism - MPPRE

China assumes presidency of the UN Security Council under the slogan of strengthening multilateralism

On Thursday, the People’s Republic of China assumed the presidency of the Security Council of the United Nations (UN), with the slogan of working for the strengthening of multilateralism.

The Chinese Government presides over the UN Security Council with firm objectives that aim to strengthen world peace and the resolution of regional conflicts, with the purpose of establishing the foundations of multilateralism and global security.

China assumes this rotating position in the Council with the intention of strengthening the role of the United Nations in the world.

«As the rotating president of the UN Security Council, we will also improve our interaction with non-members of the Council, particularly those who are included in the program in order to fulfill responsibilities in a more open and transparent manner», the minister of Foreign Relations Wang Yi, stressed.

The Chinese foreign minister said that the formal application of the principles of the UN Charter will be established, which strengthens the values ​​of unity and cooperation, framed in the resolution of regional conflicts.

He also reported that this month he will deal with issues related to Africa, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Lebanon, the Middle East, Bosnia, Herzegovina and the Sahel on peace and security.