President Nicolas Maduro naturalizes 8,331 migrants residing in Venezuela - MPPRE

President Nicolas Maduro naturalizes 8,331 migrants residing in Venezuela

A total of 8,331 foreigners were naturalized by the president Nicolás Maduro who, through a presidential decree, granted citizenship to emigrants living in Venezuela.

From the total, 5,781 corresponds to Colombian citizens who belong to the Venezuelan Association for Peace and Life followed by Peru with 390, Haiti with 253, Ecuador with 207, Chile with 117 and Italy with 56 emigrants naturalized by the venezuelan government.

This action promoted by the National Executive demonstrates the solidary nature of the venezuelan government, which in contrast with countries such as Peru, Ecuador, Chile and Brazil continue to guarantee the social protection of migrants living in the country.

«I am approving the naturalization of 8,331 migrants from different countries of the world, I challenge the government of the United States to do the same and sign a decree to legalize all Latin American and Caribbean migrants residing in their country», said the Chief of State.

During his speech at the meeting with the Movement of Colombians for Peace, which took place in Tiuna Fort, Caracas, he called on the US government to apply policies aimed at migrants who are imprisoned and persecuted daily in that nation.

On the other hand, President Maduro said that according to figures from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Venezuela serves more than 8,000 refugees, guaranteeing their maintenance and food.

At the same time, the president took the opportunity to inform that he will request the United Nations (UN) 500 million dollars to finance the Plan Vuelta a la Patria.

«It has become fashionable to denounce the migratory situation of Venezuela to the world and they only want to create conditions to intervene our nation», said the Head of State in a meeting with immigrants of different nationalities residing in the nation.

In this regard, the national leader said that the resources he will ask to the UN will be to bring back venezuelan migrants who want to return to the country, in addition to support colombian immigrants, and other nationalities, who live in the country.

President Maduro rejects new sanctions against Venezuelan officials

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, rejected the new sanctions issued this Tuesday by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), of the US Treasury Department, against officials of the Executive.

On this occasion, the US body issued coercive measures against the first combatant Cilia Flores; the Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez; the Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino López and the Minister of Communication and Information, Jorge Rodríguez.

«The sanctions, beside of being illegal and useless, are a medal, a decoration that shows that we are brave, courageous and that we are on the right path», he said in a broadcast of Venezolana de Televisión (VTV).

The Head of State pointed out, evoking the speech issued by US President Donald Trump during his speech at the 73rd General Assembly of the United Nations (UN), that the US administration «believes itself the owner of the world» by trying to impose economic sanctions on sovereign nations.

In this sense, he affirmed that the empires are in decline, predicting the early disappearance of the empires that still exist in humanity. President Maduro indicated that as soon as humanity is free from imperial domination, Venezuela will go on the forefront of free peoples.

«We are (Simón) Bolívar, they are Monroe. 200 years later they revive Monroe, 200 years later Venezuela and Latin America say long live to Bolivar and the Bolivarian independence», he added.