Reactivation of the Monroe Doctrine constitutes a threat to Latin America - MPPRE

Reactivation of the Monroe Doctrine constitutes a threat to Latin America

The recent sanctions imposed by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Treasury Department against officials of the National Executive, demonstrate the pretension of the North American empire to destroy multilateralism and plague its policy as a hegemonic system to submit progressives governments who fight for their sovereignty and independence, said the FM of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza.

During his appearance before the press, from the headquarters of the United Nations (UN), where the 73rd Period of Sessions is held in homage to the South African leader, Nelson Mandela, the venezuelan diplomat indicated that with the recent unilaterally sanctions, the United States government reopened the Monroe doctrine, using it as the basis of its policy in Latin America, which in its opinion constitutes aggression not only against Venezuela but with the 34 Latin American and Caribbean states.

«This confirms how they intend to destroy multilateralism and reaffirms us as a people who are on the right side of history (…) The Monroe Doctrine is an old doctrine, meaningless and President Donald Trump comes to reopen it as his policy in Latin America. This is an aggression against Venezuela and the other 34 Latin American and Caribbean states is an aggression from every point of view», said the Minister.

He stressed that the reactivation of the Monroe Doctrine in the 21st century opens a new chapter of a historic struggle that Latin America has tried to wage for more than 200 years.

«We have to say that another chapter has taken place over a historical struggle in our America, between the Monroe Doctrine and Bolivarianism. Simon Bolivar in 1818 already pointed out the danger of the nation that arose in the north. Over two centuries and when we thought it was an forgotten mater, remembering the words of former US Secretary of State, John Kerry, who said that the Monroe Doctrine had already lost its life, President Donald Trump comes and exposes it again», said Arreaza.

In this regard, the venezuelan Foreign Minister recalled the words of our Liberator Simón Bolívar, who stated that «the United States seems destined by providence to plague all America of misery in the name of freedom», which in Arreaza’s opinion is a clear sample for what the Monroe Doctrine intends to achieve, intervene in the nations and subject the peoples to the designs and policies of the North American empire.

«The independence of the countries that believe in Bolivarianism, in people’s sovereignty, is irreversible, there will be no way, it is not an individual, it is a historical process that has more than 200 years (…) when independence is true, radical and popular is irreversible», he said.

The recent assertion made by the former Foreign Minister of Colombia, María Holguín, who denounced an alleged movement of venezuelan military troops towards the colombian border, statements that were also supported by the Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, who did not hesitate on supporting that nation in a war against Venezuela, reveal the interventionist strategy and the destabilizing plan to attack the Caribbean nation, said Jorge Arreaza.

In this regard, the Foreign Minister recalled that the interventionist actions applied by the United States government against Venezuela are equivalent to the maneuvers designed in the plan of destabilization that led to the overthrow and assassination of the then president of Chile, Salvador Allende.

«The United States is behind the destabilization against Venezuela, the Allende formula has been applied to us a thousand times and we have overcome it (…) US interventionism is so gross that supports violence, assassination of leaders of a country and the overthrow of constitutional governments», he said.

Given this interventionist scenario, the diplomat said that the United Nations «has been very timid, they have the historic commitment to confront those governments and countries that attack multilateralism».

Another method implemented by the US empire to attack progressive governments is the use of the judicial system as a tool to persecute and attack Latin American leaders such as Lula Da Silva and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who adopted governments with different formulas from capitalism.

Thus, after 200 years, the Monroe Doctrine -produced by John Quincy Adams and attributed to the American president, James Monroe- is reactivated, which established that any european intervention in America would be seen as an act of aggression that required the interposition of the United States and that is synthesized in the phrase «America for the Americans», demonstrating the total control of the American hegemony over the region.