Venezuelan government ratifies its unwavering commitment to the peace of Colombia - MPPRE

Venezuelan government ratifies its unwavering commitment to the peace of Colombia

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reaffirms to the Colombian people its indisputable commitment to peace in the brotherly Republic of Colombia. Venezuela regrets and denounces that the incoming Government of Colombia lacks of commitment to truly peace and understanding in its own country. The announcements made from Bogota regarding the dialogues of peace with the ELN group unreasonably threaten the continuity and advances of the negotiation process. Venezuela will be a guarantee for real and lasting peace in Colombia. The facts have shown that without the direct and even personal participation of Presidents Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro, the partial successes and advances in the dialogues of peace would have never been achieved. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela hopes that – in this scenario – the petty interests of war and violence that have caused so much pain to the brotherly Colombian people for decades will not be imposed, and reiterates that it will always be at the service of the people of Colombia to continue opening and walking the path towards peace. Download the press release here